containerd 1.1 can be used directly by Kubernetes

Moby Blog
Published in
2 min readApr 25, 2018


Today we ship the second major release for containerd, with added support for CRI, the Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface. The old cri-containerd binary is now deprecated, and this project’s code has been merged in containerd as a containerd plugin. The containerd 1.1 CRI plugin allows connecting the containerd daemon directly to a Kubernetes kubelet to be used as the container runtime. The CRI GRPC interface listens on the same socket as the containerd GRPC interface and runs in the same process.

containerd 1.1 CRI plugin

The containerd cri plugin configuration lets you configure things like using Kata Containers.

containerd 1.1 also includes many stability improvements and bug fixes. It has passed all the CRI validation tests, node e2e tests and e2e tests. All the test results are public:

containerd 1.1 significantly improved pod start latency and cpu/memory usage of cri plugin. The continuous benchmark result is published on (Job ci-kubernetes-node-kubelet-benchmark is for Docker 17.03, and ci-cri-containerd-node-e2e-benchmark is for containerd with cri plugin).

Try It Out

If you would like to try containerd, please download the binaries included in this release. If you are using Docker, this version of containerd will be used in the next major release of Docker.

To set up containerd with Kubernetes, see the instructions in the release notes.



Married, with 3 kids. Member of Technical Staff @Docker — Interested in cloud, distributed computing, software development.