InfraKit, LinuxKit and Moby: updates and use cases

Victor Coisne
Moby Blog
Published in
2 min readNov 29, 2017


This is the last post of our series on the DockerCon EU Moby Summit. In case you missed the previous posts here is the summary of what we’ve already published:

  1. Moby Project governance, Security and networking
  2. containerd and CRI-containerd updates
  3. serverless frameworks and containers
  4. Buildkit, a new project for building and packaging software using containers

In this post, we’re covering the latest updates on InfraKit and LinuxKit as well a third party use case from our friends at IBM cloud.

InfraKit: A toolkit for creating and managing declarative, self-healing infrastructure

In the first part of this talk, our very own David Chung gives a quick introduction to InfraKit and project updates such as the addition of a new Kubernetes flavor plugin (thanks YujiOshima) and support for VSphere and VCenter.

In the second part of the talk, Steven Kaufer from IBM explains how they leverage InfraKit in combination with Terraform to build Docker for IBM Cloud.

LinuxKit: A toolkit for building secure, portable and lean operating systems for containers

First up in this second video, Dave Freitag from IBM shares his experience with LinuxKit as well as its benefits and lessons learned using it while building their Docker offerings in IBM Cloud.

Then we had Justin Cormack and Riyaz Faizullabhoy from Docker talk about the latest features, project updates in collaboration with the broader community. Ilya Dmitrichenko from WeaveWorks also explains why system builders should care about LinuxKit including some of the user experience benefits.

Finally, Andrew Wafaa from ARM shows how to build a secure, portable and custom Linux distribution with the help of Moby tool on ARM64 platform and demos how to replace/spawn some containerized components from the distribution and re-construct a new namespace-isolation system with LinuxKit.

In this video below, Sven Dowideit from Rancher Labs talks about the work he has done using LinuxKit to Build Custom RancherOS Systems.

In this last video, Petros Angelatos from introduces Balena, a new container engine based on the Moby Project, with an emphasis on embedded and IoT use cases, and fully compatible with Docker containers.



VP of Marketing at @strapijs. French. Open Source Community builder, Wine lover. Soccer Fan.